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Area: Quadrilaterals

– A rectangle is a shape with 4 sides, where opposite sides are equal and parallel.

– We can find the area of a rectangle by multiplying its length and width.

– Other shapes, like squares and parallelograms, are also quadrilaterals, which means they have 4 sides.

– We can use the knowledge we have about the area of a rectangle to help us find the area of other quadrilaterals.

– For example, we can find the area of a square by multiplying its length and width, since a square is just a special type of rectangle where all sides are equal.

– We can find the area of a parallelogram by using the same formula as a rectangle, but first we need to find the height of the parallelogram, which is the distance between its two parallel sides.

– Once we know the height, we can multiply it by the length of the parallelogram to find its area.

– So, we can use our knowledge of the area of a rectangle to help us find the area of other quadrilaterals.


Area Formula for Quadrilaterals


Area of a square: s^2

The area of a square is found by multiplying the length of one of its sides by itself (A = s x s = s^2).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Area of a rectangle : l x w

The area of a rectangle is calculated by multiplying the length of one of its sides by the length of its adjacent side (A = lw).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    Area of a parallelogram: b x h

    The area of a parallelogram is also calculated by multiplying the length of its base by its height (A = bh), where the height is the length of a perpendicular line segment from the base to the opposite side.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

      Area of a trapezoid: 1/2 (a + b) x h

      The area of a trapezoid is found by adding the lengths of its two parallel sides, multiplying the result by its height, and dividing by 2.

      (A = (a + b)h / 2), where a and b are the lengths of the parallel sides and h is the height of the trapezoid.

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