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What are Antecedents?

First, let’s define what a pronoun is. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. Instead of repeating a noun over and over again, we can use a pronoun to refer to that noun.

For example, instead of saying “Sarah went to the store. Sarah bought some candy. Sarah ate the candy,” we can say “Sarah went to the store. She bought some candy. She ate the candy.” In this case, “she” is the pronoun that refers back to the noun “Sarah.”

Now, let’s talk about antecedents. An antecedent is the noun that the pronoun is replacing. In the example above, “Sarah” is the antecedent of the pronoun “she.”

It’s important to make sure that the pronoun and antecedent match in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine, feminine, or neutral). For example, if we were talking about a boy instead of a girl, we would use the pronoun “he” instead of “she.”

Here are some examples of pronouns and their antecedents:

  • Sally went to the park. She played on the swings. (Antecedent: Sally)

  • The dogs chased the ball. They were tired afterward. (Antecedent: dogs)

  • The teacher gave us homework. We have to finish it tonight. (Antecedent: us)

And that’s it! Pronouns take the place of nouns, and antecedents are the nouns that the pronouns are replacing. Just remember to make sure the pronoun and antecedent match in number and gender.

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