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Step into the Story:
Understanding Different Points of View

  • Narrative point of view is the perspective from which the story is told.

  • Ask yourself, who is telling the story?

  • If the story is told from the perspective of a character in the story, it is called first-person point “of view. The narrator will use “I“, “me“, my” to describe events and tell the story.
  • If the story is told from the perspective of someone outside of the story, it is called third-person point of view. The narrator will use “he,” “she,” or “they” to describe events and tell the story.
  • Sometimes, the third-person point of view can be limited to only one character’s perspective. This is called limited third-person point of view.

  • Other times, the third-person point of view can be omniscient, meaning the narrator knows everything that’s happening and can describe the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the story. This can be described as third-person omniscient point of view.

  • We also have the third-person objective point of view. This is a way of telling a story where the narrator is like a camera or a fly on the wall.
  • The narrator does not take part in the story and does not tell the reader what the characters are thinking or feeling.
  • Instead, the narrator only reports what can be seen and heard, like the actions and dialogue of the characters.
    • This means that the reader has to use their own imagination and make their own judgments about the characters and what they are thinking and feeling.
    • Third-person objective point of view is often used in journalism, where reporters have to be impartial and present only the facts without any personal opinions.
    • This type of storytelling can create a sense of detachment between the reader and the characters, but it can also be a way for the reader to feel like they are observing the story from a neutral point of view.
    • Overall, third-person objective point of view is a way of telling a story that is objective and factual, but also leaves some room for the reader to interpret and imagine what is happening.
    • Finally, in some cases, there can be a second-person point of view in which the narrator addresses the reader directly as “you.”

    • Understanding the narrative point of view can help you better understand the characters and their motivations in the story.

    • Pay attention to how the narrative point of view changes throughout the story, if it does.

    • Narrative point of view can affect the mood and tone of the story, so it’s important to notice it.


    Paying attention to the narrative point of view: 

    • First-Person PoV

    • Third-Person Limited PoV

    • Third-Person Omniscient PoV

    • Third-Person Objective PoV

    • Second-Person PoV

    Doing this is essential for becoming an engaged and thoughtful reader. 

    *(PoV = Point of View)

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