Memorable Moments in 5th Grade
- Posted by Drishti Ramnani
- Categories Student Reflections
- Date July 14, 2023
- Comments 2 comments
Hi! ๐
I am Drishti Ramnani, a former 5th grader. Looking back, I remember thinking that 5th grade was going to be really hard and challenging. Though it was challenging, I managed to get through it with my teacher’s support, hard work, and perseverance, and so can you! (even if you’re not specifically a 5th-grade student, of course)I’ll just say one more thing; 5th grade was equivalent to a roller coaster. It had its ups and downs and highs and lows, but let’s talk about the highs/memorable moments for now.
I think my first ever high/memorable moment in 5th grade was my Science Fair project. Trust me; my Science Fair project was a huge project to tackle. It was about building a sustainable thermal power plant. After lots of trial and error, gathering information, and visiting places to learn more things about my project, guess what? I got 1st place! This project made me realize that hard work really does pay off. For my second memorable moment, let’s start with a little backstory. During semester one I had my 1st ever Parent Teacher Conference in 5th grade. My parents and I were told I had a 92% in math then. My teacher told me, “There’s always room for improvement. “Moving on with that statement, I paid attention to every detail and got a 100% in math as my final grade in semester two! Don’t worry; my third memorable moment is not all about academics๐
, but there is another backstory to my third memorable moment of 5th grade. When I was in India for my summer break before 5th grade, I joined dance classes to pass the time. Though I wasn’t great at first, I slowly got better and performed some dances at the talent shows in school. Performing at school really boosted my confidence and helped me to grow a type of love for dancing. Last, but not the least, I will never forget a statement that my teacher told me. She said, “Don’t stop, stretch yourself.”
All these memorable moments are different in their own ways, but they all taught me one thing: actual hard work. I always thought that you work hard for only one day and you are now perfect in whatever you’re doing. No, I now believe that true hard work is a process. Be it consistently practicing how to dance every day, paying attention to detail to obtain the best possible results every day, or anything you do on a daily basis to achieve your goals, consistency is key. I hope I remember this for years to come. I probably learned this a bit late, but as they say, better late than never!
Just like I said earlier, 5th grade was a roller coaster ride with its highs and lows, but I think I can ignore the lows after looking at the highs/memorable moments. I am really thankful that I am no longer a person that always wants a shortcut to success; I actually enjoy the long process now and it’s all thanks to my teachers and all the wonderful experiences I’ve had in 5th grade.
Tag:5th grade
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I loved your project . The funnier part was you describing 5th grade as a roller coaster .
Awww! This is so sweet! Congrats on 1st place and I hope you make even more memories in 6th grade! GR8 WORK!!!