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Congruent Triangles

  • Congruent means “exactly the same size and shape.”

  • Triangles are congruent when all their corresponding sides and angles are congruent.

  • SSS stands for “side-side-side.” Two triangles are congruent by SSS if they have the same lengths of sides in the same order.

  • SAS stands for “side-angle-side.” Two triangles are congruent by SAS if they have the same length of two sides and the same measure of the angle between them.

  • ASA stands for “angle-side-angle.” Two triangles are congruent by ASA if they have the same measure of two angles and the same length of the side between them.

  • Remember, when we say two triangles are congruent, it means they are exactly the same size and shape, just like when we use a mirror to reflect an object, we get the exact same object in the mirror.

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