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Perimeter and Area of Irregular Shapes

A composite (or irregular) figure is a shape made up of two or more simple shapes combined together. To find the perimeter and area, we’ll break it down step by step:



Calculating the Perimeter of a Composite Figure:

  • Identify the simple shapes: Look at the composite figure and identify the different simple shapes it is made up of, such as rectangles, squares, triangles, or circles.
  • Calculate the perimeter of each shape: For each simple shape, find the sum of all its side lengths. Remember, the perimeter is the distance around the outside of a shape.
  • Add up the perimeters: Take the individual perimeters of each shape and add them together to find the total perimeter of the composite figure. Make sure to count shared sides only once.



Calculating the Area of a Composite Figure:

  • Identify the simple shapes: Similar to finding the perimeter, identify the different simple shapes that make up the composite figure.
  • Calculate the area of each shape: For each simple shape, use the appropriate formula to find its area. For example, the area of a rectangle is found by multiplying its length by its width, and the area of a triangle is found by multiplying its base by its height and dividing by 2.
  • Find the total area: Once you have calculated the areas of all the simple shapes, add them together to find the total area of the composite figure.

Remember, when calculating the area, make sure to only count the regions that are enclosed by the shape’s boundaries. If there are any overlapping parts, subtract the area of the overlapping section to avoid double counting.

So with these steps in mind, you are well-equipped to tackle the challenge of finding the perimeter and area of composite figures. Just remember to break them down into their simple shapes, calculate their perimeters or areas, and then combine the results. Have fun exploring the fascinating world of composite figures in your math adventures!

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