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Static Electricity

This is the buildup of nonflowing electric charge. Static electricity is like magic sparks that happen when things rub together and make each other very excited. It’s kind of like when you rub your feet on the carpet and then touch a metal doorknob and get a surprise shock!

Points to note:

  • Static electricity happens when two things rub against each other and create a special kind of charge.

  • This charge is like invisible magic that can make things stick to each other or repel each other.

  • Just like magnets have a positive and negative side, charges can be positive or negative too.

  • When charges are the same, they push away from each other, but when they’re different, they pull towards each other.

  • Sometimes, charges build up on a surface and stay there until they find a way to escape. This is called static charge.

  • When a static charge finally finds a way to escape, it creates a spark or shock. This is called a static discharge.

  • You might feel a static discharge when you touch a metal doorknob after shuffling your feet on carpet or taking off a sweater.

Static electricity is a fun and interesting part of science, and it can help us understand how things work in the world around us.

Check out the video below for more about static electricity.

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