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Let's Divide Integers!

Are you ready to tackle the tricky world of dividing integers? Don’t let those pesky negative signs throw you off – with these simple tips and tricks, you’ll be dividing like a pro in no time! Now, let’s conquer the world of integer division by using the tips below:

1. Understand what integers are: Integers are whole numbers, including zero, and their negative counterparts. Negative integers are numbers less than zero. 


Example problem: -30 ÷ 5


2. Identify the operation: The example problem above is a division problem because of the division sign (÷).

-30 ÷ 5


3. Determine the signs of the integers: If both integers are positive, the answer will be positive. If both integers are negative, the quotient will be positive. If one integer is positive and the other is negative, the quotient will be negative.

-30 x 5 

One integer is negative and the other is positive, so the quotient will be negative.

4. Divide the absolute values: Ignore the signs and divide the absolute values (the numbers without their signs). 

 |30| ÷ |5| = 6.


5. Determine the sign of the answer: Use the signs from step 3 to determine the sign of the answer. Since one integer is negative (-30) and the other is positive (5), the quotient will be negative.

6. Write the answer: Write the answer with the correct sign and simplify if possible. The answer is -6. 

-30 ÷ 5 = -6


7. Practice, practice, practice! The more you practice dividing integers, the easier it will become. You can use online resources or worksheets to help you practice.

In conclusion, dividing integers is a fundamental math concept that can be easily mastered with practice and understanding of the basic rules. By following the steps outlined above, you’ll be on your way to becoming an expert in dividing integers. So don’t give up, keep practicing, and soon you’ll be dividing integers like a pro!

Check out the video below for more examples on dividing integers.

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